For a limited time, try Cryo Slimming for only $199, or try any THREE membership services for $99 with our Stellar Experience!
Try 3 for $99Try Cryo Slim for $199

Change Your Vibe, Change Your Life!

Unlock your full potential with our Bioharmonics Service at 3D Wellness, your trusted wellness therapy center in Lincoln, Nebraska. This innovative treatment taps into the most fundamental aspects of your neurology through your skin and fascia, offering a range of benefits from stress reduction to physical and emotional recovery.

Yoga Studio - Yogi Webflow Template

Treatment Features

Whether you're looking to optimize your human potential, reduce stress, boost your immune system, or promote physical and emotional recovery, our Bioharmonics Service is here to help.

Inclusive and Empowering - Yogi Webflow Template

Short & Sweet

The duration of each bioharmonics treatment is only 20 minutes! Simple, non-invasive and quick, this service is perfect for the on-the-go healer.

Lasting Impact - Yogi Webflow Template

Boost Performance

Our bioharmonics have the potential to unlock your optimum performance as a human being. Your mental health is important, and this service focuses on the improvement of your psyche by accessing your neural pathways non-invasively.

Ongoing Improvement - Yogi Webflow Template

Simple, Quick Relief

Simply choose from our menu what you want to work on. We have tracks that will play frequencies along with vibrations throughout your entire body. After a session on the Vibe at 3D Wellness, you will immediately Feel Amazing!

About Yoga Studio - Yogi Webflow Template

Heal Your Psyche

Imagine a treatment that can not only optimize your human potential but also boost your immune system, release shock and trauma, and promote relaxation. That's the magic of our Bioharmonics Service. It's like tuning a musical instrument, but the instrument is your body, and the tune is optimal health and well-being.

During a 20-minute session, our trained therapists use specialized techniques to access your body's neurological pathways via your skin and fascia. This process helps to reduce stress, release shock and trauma, boost your immune system, and promote physical and emotional recovery. It's a non-invasive, safe, and effective way to support your body's natural healing processes and help you reach your full potential.

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Hatha - Yogi Webflow Template

Cryotherapy Body Contouring

Lose up to 2'' off your waist or thighs with Cryotherapy Body Contouring.

Prenatal - Yogi Webflow Template

Cryotherapy Pain Management

Go Straight to the Source for Pain Relief with Localized Spot Cryotherapy.

Iyengar Yoga Class- Yogi Webflow Template

3D Aesthetics

Achieve a healthy, youthful appearance while looking natural. 3D Wellness Aesthetics are fast and effective.

Private Yoga Class - Yogi Webflow Template

Body Contouring Pod

Our Contour Pod is a natural approach to weight loss and body contouring that can change your body in 30 minute sessions.

Vinyasa Yoga Class - Yogi Webflow Template

Ballancer® Pro

Flush toxins, reduce pain, remove water retention,improve circulation, transport fatty acids, and boost immunity.

Therapeutic Yoga Class- Yogi Webflow Template


Change your Vibe, Change Your Life! Experience the amazing benefits of bioharmonics.

Therapeutic Yoga Class- Yogi Webflow Template


Are you ready to get Salty?! Halotherapy, aka salt therapy has many benefits for health and performance.

Therapeutic Yoga Class- Yogi Webflow Template

Infrared Sauna

Our saunas offer clinically proven infrared sauna benefits like lowered blood pressure, weight loss, detoxification and more.

Therapeutic Yoga Class- Yogi Webflow Template

SMYLxo Teeth Whitening

Our FDA approved formula from SMYLxo will have your teeth back to pearly white status in no time.

Therapeutic Yoga Class- Yogi Webflow Template

FDA Approved LED

Our LED light therapy is an FDA approved application of specific light therapy consisting of wavelengths of light energy to tissue to obtain therapeutic benefits.

Our Teammates

Meet the dedicated professionals behind 3D Wellness, your trusted wellness therapy center in Lincoln, Nebraska.

Ashley Bean

Ashley Bean

Wellness Technician

Ash helps us keep things in tip-top order around here!

Michaela Judd

Michaela Judd


Michaela is a co-founder of 3D Wellness.

Dustin Judd

Dustin Judd


Dustin is a co-founder of 3D Wellness.

Deja Judd

Deja Judd

Wellness Assistant

Deja helps us out around the shop by supporting our clients on their healing journeys.

Amy Moran

Amy Moran

Wellness Technician

Amy is in charge of making sure our customers are always getting the best 3D has to offer!

Caitlyn Eggleston

Caitlyn Eggleston

Wellness Assistant

Caitlyn helps us out around the shop, and she keeps us fresh on social media!

Ready to feel better? Become a Member!

Sign up for a membership to 3D Wellness today, and enjoy everything our wellness studio has to offer.

Become a Member Today
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Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions? We've got the answers! 3D Wellness is committed to educating our clients about their health and wellness. We provide them with the knowledge and tools they need to make informed decisions about their wellness journey.

Contact Us
How much does a treatment cost?

At 3D Wellness, we understand that every client has different needs. We will customize a treatment program just for you so you will get the absolute best price for your desired results.

How early should I arrive for an appointment?

We recommend arriving 10 minutes early for your first appointment to complete paperwork. For your follow up appointments, please arrive 5 minutes early. If you are late, we will do our best to accommodate but you may be asked to reschedule.

What if I need to cancel an appointment?

All sessions must be cancelled or rescheduled 12 hours prior or you will not receive a refund. Running late? Please call us and we will do our best to accommodate you.

What should I do before my treatment?

Our services are non-invasive and fast. For facial treatments, we recommend coming in with clean skin that is free of topical products such as make-up and moisturizers. During Cryo or LED therapy, it is best to wear clothing that allows us to easily access the areas of treatment. Many of our clients come from work so you can always bring something to change into. When using the Infrared Sauna, bring swimwear to change into. Many of our clients bring headphones to listen to while using the Ballancer®Pro and SMYLxo teeth whitening.

What is my recovery time?

At 3D Wellness, our services are non-invasive and require no recovery time or days off. You will leave your appointment feeling amazing and ready to get on with the rest of your day.

How often can I receive treatments?

Cryotherapy body sculpting: 4 days between treatments on the same area. You can come right back the day after if you are treating a different area.

Cryotherapy aesthetics (facial): it is recommended to take 1-2 days before repeating a treatment.

Cryotherapy pain management: can be repeated daily as needed.

LED light therapy: can be repeated daily as needed. For many LED treatments, we recommend doing up to 3-4 treatments the first week followed by 2-3 treatments per week.

Ballancer®Pro and Infrared Sauna: can be used daily. We recommend 1-4 times per week.

Teeth Whitening: no more than 2 times a week.

Articles & News

Read the latest happenings at 3D Wellness, and be the first to know what we're up to!

Jan 2025 Newsletter: New Year, New Relaxation!
January 9, 2025

Jan 2025 Newsletter: New Year, New Relaxation!

Jump into wellness in 2025 with best in class healing therapies from 3D Wellness!

Monthly Newsletter - Sleep Awareness
June 18, 2023

Monthly Newsletter - Sleep Awareness

It's Sleep Awareness Week!

Before, Meet After 🤝

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